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Modern Marketing Podcast

Feb 27, 2017

People can’t do business with you if they don’t know you exist which is why a large part of your focus should be on increasing brand awareness. Being consistent with your brand is absolutely essential to the success of your overall branding strategy.


In this episode, Adam discusses how to properly...

Feb 13, 2017

When deciding whether or not to do business with you, potential customers rely on others to provide cues. This social proof has the power to either inspire customers to bring their business to you or send them running into the arms of your competitors. It’s time to start making social proof a key part of your...

Feb 13, 2017

"Doing a little bit well will always beat doing a whole lot poorly."

If your marketing is causing some overwhelm, sometimes the best thing to do is take a step back and look for ways to simplify. It’s time to reevaluate the basics and select a few key tactics to pursue. No need to do everything — just the right...

Feb 6, 2017

Storytelling has been used for ages to preserve culture, history, and pass down information from generation to generation. It increases empathy and understanding on a personal level. On a business and marketing level, it makes for an incredibly powerful tool that enables you to build better trust and connection...

Feb 2, 2017


Austin Distel is the Chief Marketing Officer for Entrepreneur Alliance, an online company that connects business minded entrepreneurs and business owners. Sure, EA is an online organization but this episode provides valuable takeaways that traditional businesses can apply as well. Authenticity and transparency are...